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Grumbles from the Gearbox


The DVSA replies to an email.

This email, as it says is in response to my email on the 18th May- 9 days ago. It is great that they consider us that high on their list of priorities that they have spared no expense and rushed out a reply.

Dear Mr Harris
Thank you for your email of 18 May about procedures on practical driving tests.
I would like to clarify the position of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).
The DVSA has been working with the National Associations Strategic Partnership (NASP) to ensure you are aware of current safety protocols. Information about safety protocols is available at the DVSA FAQ on the NASP website.
What about all those thousands who form a greater majority of ADIs and PDIs who are not members of the NASP, you do have all their email addresses or contact details? These ADIs and PDIs pay for your services, NASP do not.

 We understand ADIs need to support their pupils if they are critical workers. It is the responsibility of the ADI and the pupil to consider the risks to their health and to decide if the driving lesson is essential.
DVSA want ADIs to teach the critical workers but wash their hands of all responsibility. So be warned all the ADIs out there that if you become ill, or one of your family becomes ill, it has nothing to do with the DVSA as it was your choice to decide to do these lessons that the DVSA want you to do. That is clearly stated here in writing.

Though most tests have been suspended for three months, critical workers engaged in the response to COVID-19 are still able to take emergency tests. More information on emergency driving tests can be found here
Why are they 'emergency tests' there is nothing that is an emergency about them, there is less traffic, they do not need lessons ( see separate question) so the pass mark must be lowered otherwise they would almost  all fail by normal standards with no practice for 3 months.

Pupils classed as critical workers who have applied to the DVSA for an emergency driving test should have reached the standard of driving needed to take their test, so should not need further lessons. 
This one is cracker, any critical workers who have a driving test appointment are already up to standard and do not need driving lessons!!  
Please, if they are already up to standard then they have been practicing illegally as we have not been able to give any lessons since mid March. If they have been practicing to achieve test standard, then why-O-why do they need us all of a sudden. I am lost to this logic, can anyone please help me out here?

 We are aware the Driving Instructors Association (DIA) is developing a scheme on behalf of the NASP. This is to support and promote the safety of ADIs assisting critical workers. Participation in this scheme is optional and is not affiliated with the DVSA.
There you have it, the DVSA have nothing to do with this voluntary register and have distanced themselves from it. This register has been widely derided in the industry and they had to drop the fees they were charging to do it, even though it was only a nominal amount in all fairness.

 We are holding regular conference calls with the DIA to make sure your questions and concerns are shared. You can find more information about this and updates on our website. (I should point out that if you go there, as I did, you will see it is 1 month old, so possibly not current ) We also shared our standard operating procedures to assist both you and your industry by explaining what will happen before, during and after the test.
Yet again, what about all the tens of thousands of ADIs who are not members of the DIA, why are they being pushed towards a private company, what is in it for the DVSA, why can we not receive our own personal email, as that is what the DSA, as it was then called, wanted to do to save money.  The new 'E' age of communication where the magazines etc were all dropped and we were to get regular information updates.
The DVSA have all the email addresses and phone numbers so could do this easily and cheaply, as they have staff not booking tests or doing any admin for test results etc,   they could be forwarding information to all their customers [US in other words] and exercising the client centered treatment that they love to talk to us about.   Every other customer focussed company in the world does exactly this, every ADI who wants a successful business does this. Why do the DVSA not do this, do they not care about those who pay their wages? They would not survive outside as ADIs let alone as a successful company, without the protection of being a monopoly they would not survive.

The Chancellor announced a package to assist self-employed workers. There is also a range of support available on GOV.UK to help those affected by the coronavirus outbreak.  
Today is the 27th May and all the information that has been made available is yesterday's news as All ADIs that could receive the 80% of their last 3 years profits would have already received it by last week and would have already received and applied for all the UC help they can get, been declined for the loans they do not qualify for and are amassing record debt levels of £1500 - £2500 pcm and more in some cases and not an idea as to when this is going to end. ADIs are not waiting to see if the latest monthly pay-cheque is going to go into the bank or drop onto the mat. 

When the government relaxes its social-distancing measures, we will make sure we help you understand how this will affect our services, your ability to return to work, and what it means for your pupils.
When the HMG relaxes its social distancing measures we will hear it on the news, or be watching it on the TV. If we wait for the DVSA to let us know, going on this email, it will take 9 days and we will be back at work.

You can also sign up to get email alerts from us at Thank you for your patience and understanding.
I have and I do get them when they are sent out, if they are not sent out I will not get them. Chicken but without the egg?


Yours sincerely
Authors name removed.

I have attached a survey here on behalf of one of our members and if you would please take a look at it as it will only take 2 minutes or less to complete. Thank you.

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